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LA TIMES Critic's Choice - April 2016


Playwright Ruby Rae Spiegel’s “Dry Land,” presented by the Echo Theater Company at the Atwater Village Theatre, confronts the effect of unwanted pregnancy on a tough but terrified teenage girl.


"Alana Dietze's taut and harrowing staging doesn't pull punches. Rose and Kelly-Eiding are precociously strong in their challenging roles. The sheer psychic clout of Spiegel's visceral play should not be underestimated. You may flinch -- but you will be unable to look away." - LA Times

Dry Land

By: Ruby Rae Spiegel

Directed by:  Alana Dietze

Scenic Design:  Amanda Knehans

Sounds Design: Jeff Gardner

Lighting Design: Justin Huen

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Dry Land
Dry Land
Dry Land
Dry Land
Dry Land
Dry Land
Dry Land
Dry Land
Dry Land
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